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by Kardar Challenger, Founder


Willikies Educational Foundation is a children's charity registered in 2022.
It aims to support education in Antigua and the wider Caribbean through practical measures thus helping to enable the young people of these islands to fulfil their potential.

During the pandemic, many of the young children were restricted in terms of having access to resources within the school and at home, including lack of teacher contact during lockdown periods. This opportunity has come about for me to contribute to help reduce these drawbacks in their educational progress, by providing resources like books and stationery supplies, projectors and laptops etc. The future purpose of this foundation is to ultimately provide support to schools in Antigua and Barbuda and the wider Caribbean. 

Willikies School
Willikies School

Willikies School​


Willikies Primary School was established in 1976 at its current location. On December 14th 2017 it was officially renamed Nelvie N. Gore Primary after a stalwart principal who served the school in this capacity for thirteen years and spent all her teaching career of 42 years at the school. This change was recommended by the Willikies Community Group.

Our Sponsors and Partners

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